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Finite Element Simulation of the Mechanical Properties of Mineralized Biomaterials

Posted on:2013-12-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Northwestern UniversityCandidate:Yuan, FangFull Text:PDF
Mineralized biomaterials are natural composite materials with both biomineral and biopolymer phases. They have attracted intense attention in the past decades, due to their outstanding mechanical properties and great potential as future materials. Such exceptional properties are believed to be attributed to their complex structures. Therefore, two different mineralized biomaterials (bone and sea urchin spine) were studied mainly by the finite element method and their structure-mechanical properties relationships were investigated.;The research on bone was performed with a bottom-up approach. We focused on the nanoscale level structure-properties relationship first: the models of mineralized collagen fibril, consisting of hydroxyapatite platelets aligned within a collagen matrix, were created and the importance of the parameters defining its structure and constituent properties was evaluated. With the elastic model well established, the long-term mechanical behavior at nanoscale level was studied. The viscoelastic properties of undamaged collagen phase were deduced from low-irradiation-dosage creep measurements, then different damage scenarios were evaluated to explain the evolution of phase strains with larger irradiation dosage. The higher level structure-properties relationship of bone was simulated by two different approaches: 1) Assuming the macroscopic composite strain was comparable to nanoscale fibrillar strain, then based on nanoscale model, the macroscopic distributions of nanoscale phase strains were investigated; 2) Considering the structural complexity of bone at several length scales, the effective properties from lower scales were applied as the input properties at higher scales, and the elastic properties at each level were investigated. The computational results were validated by experimental data obtained by synchrotron X-ray diffraction and show the mechanical properties of bone are greatly influenced by its structure.;The research on sea urchin spine was based on X-ray micro-Computed Tomography of a Diadema setosum spine. A 3D mesh was constructed that represents the actual structure of the spine. The deformation and stress distribution under natural loading conditions was analyzed. In addition to studying the structure of the actual spine, the effects of virtually altered structures on mechanical performance were examined. The simulation results show the components combine to produce an integrated structure which has mechanical benefits to the sea urchin spine.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mechanical, Sea urchin spine, Mineralized, Structure
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