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The effect of environmental concern, risk perception, and self-regulatory focus on product design choices

Posted on:2008-03-01Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Swarr, Thomas EFull Text:PDF
GTID:1451390005980405Subject:Business Administration
Global corporations are being challenged to adopt more sustainable business practices that provide a better balance among economic profits, environmental protection, and social equity. Managers are asked to make precautionary decisions that moderate immediate self-interest for the benefit of the longer term needs of the community. An online survey was used to explore the influence of environmental concern, preference for promotion or prevention strategies, and perception of the scenario as a threat or opportunity on choice preferences in a problem scenario designed to simulate environmental trade-offs. Choice preferences were ranked using the analytical hierarchy process and compared and with open selection of best and worst options. The independent variables selected for this study were not effective in explaining the choice preferences. Results suggested that preferences were dominated by the salient features of the problem scenario. There was a high degree of inconsistency in observed choice preferences.
Keywords/Search Tags:Environmental, Choice
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