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On the Structure of Mackey Functors and Tambara Functors

Posted on:2014-06-28Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of VirginiaCandidate:Mazur, Kristen LuiseFull Text:PDF
The stable homotopy groups of a G-spectrum are Mackey functors. Moreover, in 2004, Morten Brun showed that the zeroeth stable homotopy group of a commutative G-ring spectrum is a Mackey functor with added structure. More specifically, it is a Tambara functor. Thus, for G the cyclic group of prime power order, we endow the category of G-Mackey functors with a equivariant symmetric monoidal structure such that G-Tambara functors are the equivariant commutative monoids. This equivariant structure relies on the construction of symmetric monoidal norm functors from the category of H-Mackey functors to the category of G-Mackey functors for all subgroups H of G, and we devote most of Chapter 2 to defining these functors. We focus on the elegant and concrete nature of this new equivariant structure and provide numerous examples. We end by discussing some results on Tambara functors that follow directly from the computability of these norm functors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Functors, Structure, Stable homotopy
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