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The Cohomology Of S(3) And Nontrivial Products In The Stable Homotopy Ring Of Spheres

Posted on:2022-03-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1480306518998449Subject:Basic mathematics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In[1],R.Kato and K.Shimomura use the cohomology of the third Morava stabilizer algebra to find nontrivial products of Greek letters of the stable homotopy groups of spheres.In this paper,we follow their ideal to detect the new nonzero products in the homotopy groups:For p ? 7,0??n??1??*S,if n?2 mod 3,s(?)0,±1 mod p.And list all nonzero products,that can be detected by H*S(3),among ? family,? family,?family,and R.Cohen's elements ?n.In the homotopy ring of spheres,the products among elements as,?s,?s,?s,?n can be detected by H*S(3)as nontrivial are?)?1?1,?)?1?2,?)?1?2,?)?1?s,ifs(?)0,±1 mod p,?)?1?s,ifs?0,±1 mod p,?)?2?s,ifs(?)0,±1 mod p,?)?n?s,ifs(?)0,±1 mod p and n(?)1 mod 3,n ?1,?)?n?1,if n(?)0 mod 3,and?)?n?s?1,if n(?)2 mod 3,s(?)0,± 1 mod p.In fact most of above list were calculated.?)and ?)can be found in[2].?),?)and part of ?)——?)but ?)were appeared in[3].It should be mention that Lee's work has its own advantege in powers of ? family.[1]displayed ?),?),?)and part of ?).[4]follows[1]and deals with ?).
Keywords/Search Tags:the structure of cohomology of S(3), the Adams-Novikov specteral sequence, the cohomology of BP*BP, the stable homotopy ring of spheres, nontrivial products
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