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A numerical investigation of relativistic turbulence

Posted on:2014-12-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:New York UniversityCandidate:Zrake, Jonathan JFull Text:PDF
e present a program of numerical simulations designed to investigate the fundamental properties and phenomenological consequences of relativistic hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence. For the hydrodynamic case, we simulate a relativistically warm gas in a cubic periodic domain continuously driven at large scales with Lorentz factor of about 3. We employ a fifth-order accurate conservative finite-difference scheme on a uniform mesh with resolution up to 20483. The power spectrum of four-velocity scales with the -5/3 power of the wave-number, although deviations from strict scale similarity are evident. A Lorentz-covariant generalization of the longitudinal structure function is introduced, and found to be consistent with existing intermittency models. One-point statistics of the density field Gammarho are approximately log-normal, with skewness toward low densities being well modeled by recent advances in the compressible turbulence literature. Fundamental properties of driven, trans-relativistic, trans-Alfvenic MHD turbulence are studied on uniform meshes up to...
Keywords/Search Tags:Turbulence
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