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Families of orthogonal functions defined by the Weyl groups of compact Lie groups

Posted on:2014-09-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Hakova, LenkaFull Text:PDF
Several families of multivariable special functions, called orbit functions, are defined in the context of Weyl groups of compact simple Lie groups/Lie algebras. These functions have been studied for almost a century now because of their relation to characters of irreducible representations of Lie algebras, their symmetries and orthogonalities. Our main interest is the description of discrete orthogonality relations and their corresponding discrete transforms which allow the applications of orbit functions in the processing of multidimensional data. This description is provided for the Weyl group of different lengths of root, in particular groups of rank 2 for so-called E--orbit functions and of rank 3 for all the other families of special functions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Functions, Families
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