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Dynamics in team-based knowledge work: Understanding processes and media use

Posted on:2009-01-15Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Rutgers The State University of New Jersey - New BrunswickCandidate:Erhardt, Niclas LFull Text:PDF
GTID:1449390005952191Subject:Business Administration
Teams are fundamental mechanisms to create and mobilize knowledge in the workplace. Yet, our understanding of the internal processes that govern the manner in which teams create and mobilize knowledge remains limited. Drawing on 102 interviews (over 65 hours of recorded data) and archival data such as team observations, over 400 emails between team members, and documents in six team projects in the USA and Sweden from pharmaceutical, insurance and engineering companies, I build a grounded theory of team-based knowledge work. The theory delineates three key knowledge processes that constitute the notion of team-based knowledge work---knowledge sharing, knowledge creation and team learning. This theoretical framing is then further explored in the context of task complexity, distributed knowledge, interdependence, media use and political dynamics in teams. Theoretical and practical implications are addressed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Team, Processes
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