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Aloha Airlines: A study of a geographically isolated air carrier

Posted on:2008-02-12Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Union Institute and UniversityCandidate:Johnson, Jeffrey CFull Text:PDF
GTID:1449390005466111Subject:Business Administration
This was a case study of aviation management. The subject was Aloha Airlines, a small, successful, geographically isolated airline in the Hawaiian Islands headquartered in Honolulu, Hawaii. The goal of the project was to observe what managerial and operational factors resulted in the successful operation of a geographically isolated airline, specifically Aloha Airlines, in an area with a depressed economy and a closed customer base. Generalizations were drawn from collected operational data and a model was formed that would possibly lead to successful operations in other geographically isolated markets. The methodology was based upon R. Yin's case study approach. This case study drew upon data from the airline industry and from Aloha Airlines, including discussions with airline management. Responding to heightened security regulations and increased competition following the terrorist attacks of 9/11, Aloha Airlines adopted a corporate non-disclosure policy. This resulted in the absence of cooperation for this study internally from Aloha Airlines. Through the case study methodology, data focusing on the day-to-day operations of Aloha, its aeronautical designs, maintenance facilities and practices, and personnel was gathered from other sources. These data sources included documentation, archival records, direct observation, participant observation, and physical artifacts. Use of these data sources ensured correlation of collected data among multiple sources and increased reproducibility of collected data thus strengthening the validity of the study. Operational variables researched were competitive advantage, airline economics, service strategies, human resources, management control and information systems, service-price offer, airline fleet composition, communications, service delivery, and Aloha Airlines' internal and external relationships. The results of this study showed that many of the operational factors leading to Aloha Airlines' successful operations in a geographically isolated area were similar to other low cost carriers. There were, however, several operational tactics implemented by Aloha Airlines that increased fleet utilization and created alternate revenue streams. Creating a corporate culture that emulated the customer base's culture and daily cargo conversion of aircraft for night time cargo operations were among the unique ventures employed by Aloha Airlines that contributed to their success despite being geographically isolated. Recommendations for further study were included.
Keywords/Search Tags:Aloha airlines, Geographically isolated, Case study, Successful
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