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Integrating community, education, and global sustainability: The Vash Recycling Model

Posted on:2009-10-28Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:West Virginia UniversityCandidate:Vash, Tracy A. GainerFull Text:PDF
ction research engages researchers and communities in iterative, reflective inquiry to address issues and solve problems with the support of data analysis. The study was structured by and analyzed using the prototype Vash Recycling Model (VRM). For three years, January 2005 through December 2007, this study engaged textiles, apparel, and merchandising students at West Virginia University in collaboration with The Mission, a homeless shelter in Clarksburg, in a joint recycling project. The VRM, found to be an effective guide in textiles and apparel recycling, assisted environmental sustainability, and in 2007 eliminated 679,271 pounds of waste from the landfill while generating...
Keywords/Search Tags:Recycling
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