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Essays on economic modeling: Spatial-temporal extensions and verification

Posted on:2008-09-01Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Park, JiyoungFull Text:PDF
Ever since the 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S., several studies have evaluated the socioeconomic impacts on the U.S. economy. Economic impacts are not restricted to just the immediate impact area; rather, they would involve spatial incidence, spreading via social and economic linkages. Therefore, to be useful for policy makers, impact analyses should include information on the nature of spatially distributed impacts throughout the national economy, especially for the evaluation of alternate defensive and mitigation measures. To estimate such spatial impacts, the usefulness of interstate multiregional input-output (MRIO) type models is clear. Also, it is also well known, as the various studies using IO-type models have noted, that a key limitation of IO models is that all the coefficients in such models are fixed. The constant coefficients in the IO matrix ignore substitution opportunities and/or different relations between industries that might be prompted by market signals. Therefore, IO model applications are only useful for impact analyses relevant to very short periods, where we can reasonably assume that most market behaviors do not change. If some of the assumptions of IO models can be relaxed so that they are relevant beyond the short-run, their usefulness and application would increase tremendously.; Therefore, this dissertation addresses methodologies on spatial and/or temporal economic IO models extended from the classic IO model, as well as from a temporally extended national IO model. Also, this dissertation includes an essay that offers theoretical support to the supply-driven IO model, especially in light of some well known interpretation controversies. Hence, this dissertation includes three essays on extensions of supply-driven IO and spatial expansions of the classic demand-driven IO: 'The Supply-Driven Input-Output Model: A Reinterpretation and Extension', 'A Two-Step Approach Estimating State-by-State Commodity Trade Flows', 'Estimation of Interstate Trade Flows for Service Industries'. A fourth essay, 'An Evaluation of Input-Output Aggregation Error Using a New MRIO Model', provides information on the accuracy of the National Interstate Economic Model (NIEMO) an operational multi-regional input-output model developed as part of this research. The final essay on 'Constructing a Flexible National Interstate Economic Model (FlexNIEMO)' deals with the temporal extensions of all types of IO models.; Several academic papers applying those models to hypothetical terrorist attacks or natural disasters are being readied for publication.
Keywords/Search Tags:Model, Economic, Spatial, Extensions, Essay, Impacts
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