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Deregulation and management strategies: A case study of Georgia System Operations Corporation

Posted on:2009-09-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Baugh, Joseph BFull Text:PDF
GTID:1449390002995581Subject:Business Administration
Deregulation has created framebreaking changes across multiple industries. This study examined the impact of deregulation upon a single nonprofit generation and transmission electrical cooperative. Deregulation and other market forces set into motion a framebreaking change which restructured the former cooperative into three legally distinct cooperatives that developed symbiotic relationships with each other. Based on the literature, significant impacts to management strategies, organizational structure, and organizational culture were expected. Through a series of interviews, study participants articulated their experiences and perceptions about the impacts of deregulation at the cooperative. Data analysis indicated that changes to management strategies and organizational structure, while significant, were fairly straight-forward and consistent with the literature. Changes in organizational culture during and after the restructuring initially created adverse effects among the workforce. The central emerging theme indicated that positive changes in leadership across the three cooperatives were significant in renewing organizational effectiveness and developing a strong customer service focus. As related by the participants, transformational leaders restored trust, created a new vision, instilled values, improved communications, and developed collaboration across the three cooperatives. These transformational activities created a significant impact on the cooperative employees by improving performance, raising morale, and elevating job satisfaction levels, which increased workforce retention. The study revealed that transformational leadership alleviated unfavorable cultural impacts within this organization in transition.
Keywords/Search Tags:Deregulation, Management strategies, Created, Changes
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