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A study on the role of spokesperson communication behaviors and their impact on audience perception of the believability of not-for-profit organizational messages

Posted on:2010-03-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:TUI UniversityCandidate:Grantham, Robin FFull Text:PDF
GTID:1449390002975681Subject:Business Administration
Leaders of organizations use media vehicles such as news broadcasts to deliver persuasive messages to large audiences. This study addressed some of the factors influencing the success of these public relations efforts: (1a) Perceived spokesperson responsiveness to television news interviewers and (1b) perceived spokesperson-interviewer rapport were examined as mediating links among specified immediacy behaviors---(2a) verbal and (2b) nonverbal behaviors of the interviewer and spokesperson---and audience perceptions of (3a) message believability and (3b) spokesperson credibility. Data was collected through a quasi-experimental design. Respondents viewed videotapes and complete questionnaires via an Internet-based survey site. The model was analyzed using partial least squares. All hypotheses were supported except for those regarding moderating effects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Spokesperson
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