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Toward a theory of intelligent leadership as adaptive action

Posted on:2009-04-02Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of La VerneCandidate:Girczyc, Patricia AFull Text:PDF
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to construct a theoretical model to describe leadership intelligence as adaptive action within a complex systems framework. The development of the model began with an abstract look through the assumptions of systems theory, at the concepts of leadership and intelligence. The proposed model allows a dynamic contextual view of the leader's interaction with the organization as a complex system. The leader's behaviors or response to the perceived needs of the system constitutes adaptive action. This adaptive action, what the leader sees, and how the leader chooses to respond defines intelligent leadership.;Methodology. This was a descriptive qualitative study using grounded theory. The Model of Intelligent Leadership as Adaptive Action was constructed from the literature on complexity theory as applied to leadership, organizations, and intelligence. A purposive sample created the expert panel who reviewed the model through individual unstructured interviews.;Findings. The application of complexity theory to leadership is nascent. Concepts and assumptions are being clarified to bring concision to the subject. The concepts and assumptions within the model align with the current thinking of leadership in complex adaptive systems. The notion of leadership intelligence as adaptive (intelligent) action is an innovation within complexity leadership theory. Data from the interviews supported the proposed model.;Conclusions. The study data support the conclusion that a model of intelligent leadership as adaptive action can contribute to developing theory in the complexity leadership arena. The concepts of leadership and systems need to be clarified within the developing terminology. The model allows a microview of adaptive leadership within a complex system. The introduction of the additional perspectives of a human social systems (i.e., form, matter, meaning and process), has the potential to enhance the understanding of complex adaptive systems.;Recommendations. Further research is advised to refine the concepts in the proposed model. Qualitative studies designed to develop operational definitions of concepts within the model would deepen that understanding of leadership in complex systems. The inclusion of concepts such as values and meaning needs to be considered when describing complex adaptive systems as human enterprise. A complex systems view of intelligence as adaptive action needs to be developed to inform the theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:Adaptive action, Leadership, Theory, Model, Intelligence, Systems, Complex
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