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A case study of management actions affecting immigrant trust levels and resultant impacts on performance

Posted on:2010-02-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Lounsbery, Henry KFull Text:PDF
Immigration and the potential contribution and value-add of working immigrants to organizational performance has increasingly become an issue of discussion in the United States. At the same time, the global competitive environment, changing demographics and transition into the Knowledge Era have accelerated recognition of the significant role that trust has on employee motivation and performance as well as its impact on individual, group and organizational performance. However little, if any research has been conducted that deals directly with the issue of immigrant trust perceptions and ostensive influences on performance based on management behaviors and actions. The purpose of this study has been to explore and develop a window of understanding with respect to the underlying mechanisms currently at work regarding those issues. The research was conducted on the perspectives of working immigrants within 60 months of arrival into the U.S. using a qualitative, multiple case-study methodology. A total of 19 immigrants of varied ethnicity, race, age, educational background, working background and time working in the U.S. participated, either in individual or focus group (FG) interviews. The research data confirms immigrants perceived a relationship existed. The results of this study thus contribute to the body of knowledge regarding immigrants in an area that has received little formal attention. As a consequence, this study potentially establishes a baseline and foundation in that paradigm. Implications of these data and related conclusions regarding the study outcomes are offered in the final chapter together with study limitations and areas for future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Performance, Immigrants, Working
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