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Marketing, information and economic growth

Posted on:2010-05-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:New Mexico State UniversityCandidate:Kopf, Dennis AFull Text:PDF
GTID:1449390002485139Subject:Business Administration
This study explores what relationship, if any, exists between advertising and economic growth. Endogenous growth theory (Romer 1990) is proposed as a possible solution to this 50-year debate. Using endogenous growth theory, we develop a model that links advertising to incentives for business innovation and for overall levels of information and knowledge in society. Results indicate that advertising expenditures offer significant explanatory power for long-term economic growth for a panel of 64 countries. In exploring this research topic, we conceptualize new ways in which marketers can view information and we develop a conceptual framework that links advertising to information to economic growth This study contributes to the debate in two ways: (1) by empirically showing that on a macro-level advertising expenditures and economic growth are related and (2) by developing a theoretical economic growth model that demonstrates that not only are advertising expenditures related, but that advertising expenditures bring about economic growth. Finally, by providing a refinement of how marketing actions may positively affect the economy, we contribute to the broader debate of advertising's role in society.;I then examine new ethical choices that are brought about by the increasing availability of information in society. To do this, I apply dialogism to ethical thought to form a theory of Dialogical Ethics. Specifically, Dialogical Ethics is defined as the interplay between four historic ethical traditions: Formal (Kantian) Ethics, Content-Sense (Utilitarian) Ethics, Answerability Ethics, and Value/Virtue (Story) Ethics. However, on a broader level, Dialogical Ethics is the interplay between the dominant ethical systems of society. I then use DE to analyze four consumption-ethics problems. Two can be described as information tragedies and two are related to an overemphasis on Kantian and Utilitarian Ethics. Finally, I suggest a re-emphasis on Value Ethics and Answerability Ethics and suggest that business educators find ways to teach not only techne but also phronesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Economic growth, Ethics, Information, Advertising
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