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A study of benefits satisfaction among Florida's protective service employees

Posted on:2010-10-23Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Johnson, Shirley KFull Text:PDF
GTID:1449390002484316Subject:Business Administration
This study focused on investigating the relationship between job satisfaction and satisfaction with employee benefit costs. The mission of the study was to determine if there was a correlation between satisfaction with the costs of employee benefits and overall job satisfaction in Florida's public safety sector. Additionally, the study's intent was to discover if there was a significant difference in the responses of the participants using age and household size as variables. Invitations to participate in an electronic survey were mailed to 520 public safety agencies in the state of Florida including police departments, sheriff's offices, state agencies, correctional facilities, and fire departments. Of the 232 returned, 206 were usable. The findings showed a correlation did exist between benefit cost satisfaction and overall job satisfaction. The findings also showed no significant different existed in benefit cost satisfaction between those participants 36 years of age and older and those under 36 years of age. In addition, participants with and without dependent household members showed no significant difference in their satisfaction with the cost of benefits.
Keywords/Search Tags:Satisfaction, Benefit, Florida, Public
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