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EMI/EMC analysis of electronic systems subject to near zone illuminations

Posted on:2008-05-28Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Ohio State UniversityCandidate:Khan, Zulfiqar AFull Text:PDF
There is an increasing interest to evaluate performance of electronic systems subject to electromagnetic interference (EMI). To this end, an efficient technique for system level EMI/EMC analysis of electronic systems was recently proposed. This scheme, referred to as the hybrid S-matrix method, is based on introducing an additional port on the printed circuit board (PCB) and cable network to represent the plane wave excitation. The scattering matrix for the network (with the added port) is generated once the transmission line (TL) modes are extracted from the induced voltages. The resulting hybrid S-matrix allows for complete characterization of a microwave network in presence of enclosures or other scatterers. It can then be ported into a circuit solver for complex EMI/EMC analysis of electronic devices. This dissertation extends the hybrid S-matrix approach to near zone sources. A key aspect of this generalization is the use of the FFT rather than the GPOF to identify the TL modes in presence of the continuous spectrum of forced modes introduced by the near zone sources. Examples are shown to validate the generalized hybrid S-matrix method. These include a multi-layered PCB in the presence of nearby cables and when enclosed by the metallic structures with openings. The final chapter of the dissertation contains numerous experimental examples that provide for the first time a set of realistic EMI/EMC reference data. Specifically, field penetration through apertures and coupling of penetrating wires onto the printed circuit boards (PCBs) enclosed by resonant structures are considered. In contrast to other measurements, we focus on multi-cavity enclosures in presence of cables and PCBs. The purpose of this experimental study is to provide accurate reference data for possible future validation of various computational tools and to test their accuracy and efficiency on realistic platforms. In particular, we validate the proposed hybrid S-matrix method.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electronic systems, Hybrid s-matrix, EMI/EMC, Zone
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