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Course delivery utilized by NCATE-approved school library and information studies master's programs in the United States

Posted on:2007-04-20Degree:Ed.SpType:Dissertation
University:Central Missouri State UniversityCandidate:Jia, YenlinFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study is to investigate course delivery utilized by NCATE-approved school library and information studies master's programs in the United States. The investigation focused on delivery methods used and factors that affected decisions on selecting delivery methods. Data was collected from 34 school LIS programs in 2005. Qualitative methods employed included examination of the programs' websites, telephone conversations, and email. Analysis of the data identified four predominate delivery methods: online only, face-to-face, hybrid, and network satellite systems with the support of WebCT. It also revealed eight factors that influenced the program's decisions on the course delivery formats: demographic characteristics of the LIS students, program's accessibility, money and resources, faculty's interests, pedagogical practices, employer's expectations-practical library experiences, socialization, and course content. The study is significant for both LIS faculty and administrators in understanding and making decisions on course delivery in LIS distance education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Course delivery, School, Library, Programs, LIS
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