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Processing information for compact situational awareness knowledge representation in tactical information systems

Posted on:2011-03-01Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Stevens Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Schuck, Tod MFull Text:PDF
The goal of Combat Identification, and by extension Situational Awareness, is to combine information at the appropriate information levels in order to derive a positive ID according to a classification structure. The overarching goal for Combat Identification is to attain an accurate characterization of detected objects in the joint battlespace so that high confidence, timely application of military options and weapons resources can occur. This includes the ultimate determination of the intent and prediction of future actions of an object or entity. The Choquet integral enables new methods that provide a statistical approach to adversary intent prediction.;The context to this problem space is provided by the many varied threats to the US National Park Service system of parks across the United States. These threats are paramount to a tactical situation. Therefore the same systems approach that works for a tactical military enterprise can be applied to domestic domains.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information, Tactical
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