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Through native eyes: How secondary students use technology to enhance their learning

Posted on:2007-07-24Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:New Mexico State UniversityCandidate:Dooley, Drew MoyaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1447390005972520Subject:Educational technology
The central question in this study was; how do students use technology to enhance their own learning? Students today use technology in many aspects of their lives. The main focus of this study was to discover how 12 students from an independent secondary school used technology in their learning process. Data was collected through two focus groups, personal interviews, observations, and student journals. All data was transcribed, coded, and separated into emergent themes. Four basic themes became evident; (1) There was a significant difference in how technology was used by students at school and how it was used when not in school. (2) The amount of technology use increased significantly during non-school hours. (3) Technology was used for different reasons based on gender and age. (4) Technology was an important component in the lives of the participants.;Findings showed technology use as so ingrained in the everyday lives of the participants, it was difficult to determine if technology enhanced learning or was just another tool to make learning easier and more convenient. A generational divide between students and teachers was observed and discussed as a possible component in the lack of technology use in the classroom. Implications for classroom instruction were discussed as well as how this information could guide teacher practice. The findings on the students and themes within this study were comparable to previously conducted studies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Students, Technology
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