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A qualitative study of the ways middle school teachers made meaning of a professional development program on cultural competency

Posted on:2009-03-28Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Iowa State UniversityCandidate:Pauley, Judith PatchFull Text:PDF
This qualitative study examined how and if 5 middle class, white teachers made meaning of professional development designed to foster cultural competency. The training took place in the spring of 2006. The primary district purpose for the mandated professional development program was to assist teachers in reflecting on the cultural barriers between themselves and their students and to promote culturally responsive teaching strategies. The urban middle schools where the study took place are ethnically and socio-economically diverse; one is low achieving. Both middle schools report a significant achievement gap between the minority and majority populations. One year after the conclusion of the professional development activities the respondents demonstrated that the cultural competency professional development had minimal affect on their teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:Professional development, Teachers made meaning, Cultural competency, Qualitative study, Middle
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