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The importance of music education in the public schools

Posted on:2009-03-16Degree:M.AType:Dissertation
University:State University of New York Empire State CollegeCandidate:Boss, DarylFull Text:PDF
Music education has been considered a given in American Public Schools for decades. However, that is not necessarily the case anymore. Music programs are being eliminated from elementary, junior and senior high schools across the country. A variety of reasons have been given from schools that have eliminated or are considering eliminating or reducing their music offerings. The most common explanation is a lack of finances to sufficiently run a music program. Other excuses range from school reform, shortage of teachers, and state mandated standards to a lack of community involvement.; Research suggests that music education can improve various cognitive functions directly related to other school subjects such as math and reading. In addition music can have a positive impact on peoples' aesthetic processes as well. It is the goal of this dissertation to explore the benefits a music education can offer a pupil using research and experimental findings to prove that removing music from school curriculums can be detrimental to students. I will also suggest that music has its own intrinsic value and is in and of itself a valuable aspect of a child's education. In addition I will put the microscope on numerous schools across the country that have dealt with this dilemma and research their reasons for making the choices they made. Finally, a simple solution will be offered to prevent the loss of more music programs. A community wide effort can be successful in saving and restoring a quality music program.
Keywords/Search Tags:Music education, Schools, Music programs
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