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The impact of SMART Board technology on growth in mathematics achievement of gifted learners

Posted on:2011-12-04Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Liberty UniversityCandidate:Riska, Patricia AFull Text:PDF
This study examined whether SMART Board technology increased growth in mathematics performance of fourth grade gifted students. Gifted students in North Carolina were studied to determine if the use of SMART Board technology during mathematics instruction impacted their growth on standardized state tests. The sample consisted of 175 students from six elementary schools with similar populations. Three of the schools used SMART Boards during mathematics instruction, and three schools did not use SMART Board technology. All students were taught the mathematics curriculum according to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. The instrument for evaluating growth was the state End-of-Grade mathematics test. A formula developed by the state's Accountability Department was used to compare third grade mathematics results to fourth grade mathematics results to determine the degree of growth for each student. The results did not indicate significant growth among gifted students who received instruction using SMART Board technology. This study was limited by the small sample of gifted students who did not receive instruction with a SMART Board. Schools, in this district, matching the specific demographics of the sample are equipped with SMART Boards and utilize them during instruction. Due to this limitation, further research regarding the use of creative technologies to stimulate and challenge the brightest learners is warranted.
Keywords/Search Tags:SMART board technology, Mathematics, Gifted, Growth, Education, Fourth grade
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