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A comparative analysis of single-sex schools in terms of achievement in reading and math and student attendance

Posted on:2011-11-04Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of DaytonCandidate:Brathwaite, Debra AnnFull Text:PDF
Single-sex education is a reform initiative that is taking root in the United States and in many countries around the world as a possible solution to closing the racial, achievement, and gender gaps that have emerged where minority students lag behind their White counterparts and boys are falling behind girls academically. Although there have been research studies performed at the middle and high school levels to investigate the efficacy of educating boys and girls separately, very little research has been conducted on the elementary school level.;Dayton Public Schools began the implementation of single-sex programs in August 2005. The impetus for creating single-sex programs stemmed from the declining achievement of minority students. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not girls and boys in Dayton Public Schools achieved significantly better academically, had fewer discipline issues, and attended school more regularly in single-sex settings compared to students in coeducational settings.;Nine elementary schools provided the population for this study: 3 schools with single-sex programs and 6 schools with coeducational programming. The results of state developed assessments in math and reading were used to evaluate improvements in academic achievement. Attendance percentages were compared by school type and the number of discipline infractions per school was reviewed. The paired-samples t test and the independent-samples t test were the statistical analyses used to measure improvement in math and reading and to compare improvement across groups.;The findings of this study were mixed as evidenced by the fact that in the area of academic achievement there were some statistically significant results that favored the single-sex setting in some areas, some that favored the coed setting and some that showed no difference. In the areas of behavior and attendance the single-sex setting appeared to have a positive influence and since these areas are related to enhanced achievement it would be advantageous to continue to explore the single-sex option for students.;Single-sex education is an innovative reform model that still needs refinement and research. It is an initiative that requires thoughtful long-term planning, collaboration and stakeholder support.
Keywords/Search Tags:Single-sex, Schools, Achievement, Reading
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