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Who was eligible? The public education of children and youth with disabilities in regular classrooms in China from 1986 to 2006

Posted on:2009-06-21Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Boston UniversityCandidate:Cui, FengmingFull Text:PDF
This study examined the legal rights and the status of children and youth with disabilities in regular classrooms in compulsory education from 1986 to 2006 in China. By doing this, the author gathered evidence and provided recommendations for changes to benefit children with disabilities and improve the public education system in China. This study employed document analysis methodology reviewing laws and administrative regulations, and official publications and reports regarding Learning in the Regular Classrooms (LRC). Focusing data collection on primary documents, this study provides a historical perspective. The findings indicated that legislative barriers obstructed the education of students with disabilities in regular schools and classrooms. Twenty percent of reported children and youth with these three disabilities categories did not receive education. Students with disabilities and special needs other than hearing impairments, visual impairments, and mental retardation did not have legal rights for special or assistive accommodations and service. Disparities in education between municipalities and rural areas and developed and underdeveloped areas remained substantial. Ineffective administrative practices in LRC did not meet the aspirations and goals for implementing LRC. Problems in data collection and reporting prevented a better understanding of the academic status of children and youth with disabilities in public education. Recommendations contained strategies for a radical political and cultural change in the education system if the people of China are to have effective protection of human rights for citizens with disabilities enrolled in pubic education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Disabilities, Education, Regular classrooms, China, Rights
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