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Help seeking attitudes and behaviors of international students at architectural schools

Posted on:2010-07-26Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:Massachusetts School of Professional PsychologyCandidate:Meyer, Cary JFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate the help-seeking attitudes and behaviors of international students at architectural schools of higher education. A review of the academic literature revealed no earlier research on this specific population. However, there was a moderate body of literature regarding help seeking attitudes and behavior among international students in the United States in general. Earlier studies suggested that international students are often more reluctant than domestic peers to access formal sources of support for a variety of reasons. They experience both the typical student stresses of their peers, as well as stressors more unique to themselves, such as culture shock and language difficulties. As a result, the provision of mental health services to international students is often identified as a difficult, but much needed activity of college counseling centers.;This study employed an internet-based survey to gather self-reported data on the attitudes and behaviors of international student at an architectural college. Subjects were recruited via campus e-mail at the Boston Architectural College, and self-administered the on-line survey through an embedded web-link. Anonymity was preserved and participation was voluntary.;This study found that in general, architectural students have a positive view of treatment. Consistent with results widely reported in the existing literature, the attitudes of women were found to be significantly more positive than those of men.;As expected from the literature, domestic students with a history of psychological treatment were found to have a significantly better view of treatment than both domestic students with no history of treatment, and better than international students with or without a history of treatment. Further, among international students there was no significant difference in attitude between those with a history of treatment and those without.;Surprisingly, among the international students in this survey the level of acculturation was inversely related to attitudes toward help seeking. Their level of acculturation, as measured by self-reported English language proficiency, was related to less positive help-seeking attitudes.;These findings demonstrate the limitation of expectations based on cultural assumptions. Suggestions for further research include the identification and examination of factors in the treatment of domestic students that lead to improved attitudes toward help seeking in comparison with their international peers. Implications for practice include awareness of the unique experiences of individual clients within the context of their home and host cultures.
Keywords/Search Tags:International students, Attitudes, Architectural, Help seeking
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