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Enchancing junior high students' language arts literacy skills: Using collaboration and professional development to design and implement a new curricular approach

Posted on:2011-09-04Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Rowan UniversityCandidate:Curry, Elizabeth AnnFull Text:PDF
In this study, I explored the impact of collaboration and capacity building during the design and implementation of a teacher-developed middle grades Language Arts Literacy curriculum. Participants included ten teachers and a literacy coach. We developed skill-based thematic units incorporating identified strategies designed to increase student engagement and strengthen instructional practices. Seventh grade students comprised the primary cohort receiving instruction using the units. During Cycle IV, I expanded the initiative to include two sixth grade and all eighth grade classes.;This mixed-method action research dissertation afforded me the opportunity to examine the effectiveness of my leadership. Through reflective practice, I grounded my leadership theory in transformational and servant leadership. Focusing on curriculum development, I was able to confirm that my leadership promoted teacher ownership of instruction, encouraged a shift towards student-centered instruction, and fostered the development of leadership skills among team members.;Instructional outcomes realized during this project included the successful development of both a specialized curriculum and an increase in student literacy skills. Participants identified an appreciation for opportunities for teacher collaboration, inclusion in the decision-making process, and the movement towards teacher autonomy. Educational leaders, therefore, should acknowledge collaboration as an integral component of capacity building and team learning.
Keywords/Search Tags:Collaboration, Literacy, Development, Teacher, Skills
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