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Boxed in: The place of the public good in the retail landscape

Posted on:2010-10-25Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Victoria (Canada)Candidate:Shaw, Pamela JeanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1446390002482245Subject:Business Administration
The retail landscape has changed significantly since the mid 20 th century, evolving from a city centre focus through strip malls, shopping centres, shopping malls, mega-malls, big box stores, and to the newest form of retailing -- the lifestyle commercial centres. One constant through this evolution has been the permissive role of land use regulations in shaping the form and location of retailing. At issue is whether local governments, and in particular land use planners, have abandoned a holistic approach to evaluating the public good and instead focused solely on the economic benefits gained from new development.;Key Words: Big box, commercial, consumption, land use regulations, planning, public good, retail, suburban, and sustainability.;This study offers a new approach to understanding the "boxed in" relationship between the retail landscape and the public good: that is, boxed in by the form of available retailing, by the paradoxical lack of choice brought on by an obsessive belief in "larger is better", and by permissive decision-making that focuses too strongly on the economic benefits of more and larger retail stores. A case study of the retail landscape of Nanaimo, British Columbia is included to illustrate a practical example of this relationship. Drawing on primary research on the impact of shopping locations on individuals combined with in-depth interviews and archival research, the retail landscape is examined. The intended outcome of this research is to challenge local governments, and in particular land use planners, to more fully consider the question of the public good when evaluating land use proposals.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public good, Land, Boxed
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