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An exploratory study of the Millennial Generation's acceptance of others: A case study of business students at a private university

Posted on:2008-09-12Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Pepperdine UniversityCandidate:Clark, Natalie AFull Text:PDF
This study was conducted to provide exploratory research on the level of acceptance of others that the Millennial Generation possesses utilizing Fey's (1955) Acceptance of Others Scale. By determining the level of acceptance of others of this generation, a picture was developed on how they may function in an employment context. In addition, the relationship between the level of acceptance of others and gender was examined. This study also compared the results of the Millennial Generation with the responses gathered from preceding generations in prior studies to determine what, if any, differences could be observed. As will be shown, the Millennial Generation's level of acceptance of others will influence the structural and organizational policies that should be adopted in order to create an organizational climate best conducive to their future success. The results generated from this study were used to examine potential shifts in organizational leadership and behaviors that may be required for the newest generation of employees by examining the challenges that organizations face and applying the results of the study to them.
Keywords/Search Tags:Generation, Acceptance, Others, Millennial, Level
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