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Multisensory communication among Dawoodi Bohra women: Invitation at the Thal

Posted on:2008-10-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural StudiesCandidate:McVicker, Mary KayFull Text:PDF
This study examines the multisensory communication inherent in the lives of the Dawoodi Bohra women and defines dynamic communication spheres—finding significant ways people communicate—in context in order to propose transformational approaches to relationship building. The Dawoodi Bohra community is a Shi`i Isma`ili sect of South Asian Muslims, whose primary occupation is small business trade.;In Part I, I use a three-pronged perspective to probe for dynamic communication spheres by exploring multisensory communication, looking at right brain to right brain resonance to understand interconnectedness, and establishing the foundation for communication through transformational communication. Multisensory communication relies on right brain to right brain resonance to understand how various bodily states and socio-emotional experiences can bring interconnectedness. Transformational communication evolves through seven foundations of communication: relationship, contextual perspectives, affective resonance, the experiential, being relevant, intentionality, and an incarnational approach.;In Part II, I investigate the ritual practices of the Dawoodi Bohra women. The main method for observing rituals was participant observation during which I attended family, social, and community rituals among the Dawoodi Bohra women. I experienced multisensory communication with the women at ritual events and also relied on informal conversations.;In Part III, I identify in the ritual practices how artifacts, artistry, colors and numbers, sounds, aromas, flavors of food, touch, gestures, and space contribute to the Dawoodi Bohra women's communication. Further investigation demonstrates how the women interconnect and provides clues to what can trigger transformation. This leads to the discovery of dynamic communication spheres of the Dawoodi Bohra women, interactive rituals. A new approach is revealed—Invitation at the Thal—that integrates the use of relevant multisensory communication, creates interconnectedness in its context, and applies the foundations of transformational communication. This model provides ways to implement the approach as an opportunity to understand and build relations with Dawoodi Bohra women and to extend it as an invitation to "Remember the Muslim." The conclusions offer means that can lead to transformation. In addition, this research can be helpful in a broader spectrum of community relations and for those interested in crosscultural communication.
Keywords/Search Tags:Communication, Dawoodi bohra women, Right brain, Invitation
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