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A case study of the French and English literacy experiences of a gifted girl in an elementary French Immersion classroom

Posted on:2007-08-21Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Gauthier, AngelaFull Text:PDF
This case study followed Molly's French and English reading progress from grade one through grade four in the context of an elementary French Immersion school setting. I was interested in how this little girl, identified as gifted in kindergarten, differed from other children in her class in what she read, how she read, and what she did with what she read in French and English.; My review of the research literature provides an overview of programs for the gifted, for gifted underachievers, the most salient characteristics of gifted girls, as well as the characteristics of gifted children who are strong readers. Relevant reading theories and reading in a second language were also briefly examined. Data collection consisted of in-class observations, interviews, and the administration of reading inventories, tests and surveys, as well as a collection of work samples in both languages, gathered at various times of the year. During the data gathering process for both the prestudy and the main study, Molly's special emotional and educational needs as a gifted girl, her concomitant problems in school, and any special accommodations in program planning that were implemented for her were noted.; At the end of this four-year study, Molly's social and emotional life, especially at school, took precedence over her love of reading and her curiosity about animals and related scientific facts. Evidence indicated that Molly began to succumb to social and peer pressures that would see her lose self-confidence and downplay her giftedness, as she tried to please those around her and fit into the social fabric of the school culture. A number of factors were seen to be contributors to the downward slide Molly began to experience as early as grade two: a lack of education concerning gifted students and their needs; a lack of resources for the gifted; a different definition of success in relation to gifted girls; larger class sizes, a burgeoning curriculum, and a world view that attempts to promote equality for all.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gifted, French and english, Girl, Reading
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