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Self-administered tactile therapy: A proposed intervention for the treatment of public speaking apprehension

Posted on:2007-07-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Washington State UniversityCandidate:Schmidt, Nancy LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1445390005462942Subject:Speech communication
This study is designed to examine a new therapy, Self Administered Tactile Therapy (SATT), in the reduction of public speaking apprehension. Using an experimental pre/post test design, SATT was compared with the well established Visualization (VIS) intervention and a treatment that combined both SATT and VIS. Seventy-three undergraduate students enrolled in an introductory public speaking class at a western states research university were selected based on a score indicating high public speaking apprehension. They were randomly assigned to one of the three treatments and given the appropriate intervention. Results indicate the SATT intervention helped reduce public speaking apprehension pre to post. The VIS group and the combination group also helped reduce apprehension pre to post. There were no significant differences across groups indicating SATT was just as effective as the VIS group. These findings and their implications are discussed in the following dissertation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public speaking, SATT, VIS
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