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Twelve men's experiences of feeling deeply connected with nature

Posted on:2009-05-10Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Institute of Transpersonal PsychologyCandidate:Kranz, EugeneFull Text:PDF
GTID:1445390002992866Subject:Health Sciences
The purpose of this study was to explore and elucidate 12 men's experiences of feeling deeply connected with nature. Specifically, this research examined the associated, recalled emotions and sensations that arose out of their nature-related experiences and details about the meaning and impact that these nature-related experiences had on the men's lives. Prior research studies have focused on the experiences of women in nature and nature-related experiences of both sexes, but have not addressed sex differences as they relate to the experiences. Twelve men ranging in age from 28 to 55 were selected as participants. Fifty-eight percent identified as Caucasian; the remaining identified as Middle Eastern/Caucasian, Indian/European, Filipino, and Korean descent. Ten out of 12 men resided in the San Francisco Bay Area; 2 men resided in the Los Angeles Area. Surprisingly, while many men (50%) emphasized the felt connection to outer nature itself (e.g., tree, storms, ocean, coyotes), many others (50%) emphasized the role that nature played in accessing connection to their inner nature (e.g., feelings, life purpose, grief), including transpersonal aspects such as connections to spiritual realms. Those who did emphasize a felt connection to outer nature during their nature-related experience still seemed to emphasize how this connection served to help them explore, experience, and discover their inner nature. Data collected through the use of a semi structured interview protocol and qualitative thematic content analysis yielded 7 major themes: (a) nature as a mirror, (b) sensing deeply, (c) feeling deeply, (d) connection to something greater, (e) following their truth, (f) times of transition, and (g) shift in environmental consciousness. Important implications and applications are discussed throughout this study, including suggestions for how to bridge nature with psychotherapy, spiritual guidance, business coaching, and education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nature, Experiences, Feeling deeply, Men
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