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Frontier as process: Umayyad Khurasan

Posted on:2010-08-16Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of ChicagoCandidate:Luce, Mark DavidFull Text:PDF
This dissertation examines the beginnings of the Islamization process in Khurasan from the Arab conquests through the Umayyad period (41-128 /660-745). It attempts to establish a multi-dimensional baseline for the study of this region as a frontier, by describing the region's geography, its diverse populations and religions. It adopts a conceptual framework that conceives of the Khurasani frontier as a shatter zone fractured by its varied physical, political, social, economic, cultural, linguistic and religious areas and processes, which eventually fused its diverse peoples and natures to create a joint Islamic community.;The Muslim conquest and colonization of Khuras an is examined and Muslim Umayyad authority is divided into three distinct stages of development: one of raids (21-64/641-684), one of factionalism and expansion (64-96/683-714), and one of Umayyad governance, misgovernance and decline (97-128/715-745). Three particular aspects of Umayyad Khur asan are explored: settlement patterns, governance and the spread of Islam.;Five leading Muslim families, who played significant roles in the governance of Khurasan are examined. They provide an understanding of the currents of change within Muslim society and the internal struggles of Umayyad authority in Khurasan to diminish the Arab tribal system and to develop into a society where it became possible for Khurasan i Muslims to rise in the service of the Islamic state.;Additionally, the responses of the non-Muslim local leaders and elites of Khurasan are examined throughout this beginning process of Islamization. They are presented within the context of the Khurasani frontier shatter zone, in an attempt to demonstrate the internal and external forces within their individual zones of control that motivated their responses to Muslim overtures to gain their loyalty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Umayyad, Khurasan, Process, Frontier, Muslim
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