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A study on the relationship between ability, motivational, and work environmental influences and the degree of transfer of learning of new trainers

Posted on:2011-10-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Scott, LaNettaeFull Text:PDF
There is greater emphasis being placed on developing employees' competencies to help organizations achieve their operational and business goals. One of the essential functions of a training department is to support the organization's business goals and initiatives. The urgent and insistent demand for capable and proficient trainers has led to the implementation of train-the-trainer programs aimed at producing trainers who can build and deliver effective training. The purpose of this study was to determine if transfer of learning had occurred by new trainers after attending a training program. More specifically, to examine the relationship between the transfer system influences (ability, motivational, and work environmental factors) and the degree of transfer of learning by new trainers at a federal law enforcement training academy after the attending a train-the-trainer program. This researcher administered a survey instrument to a target population of law enforcement personnel who are co-lateral duty new trainers. The results of the study found that transfer of learning had occurred from the train-the-trainer program to the job as reported by participants' supervisors. The statistical data, however, did not find any significant relationship between the constructs: ability, motivational, work environmental factors, and transfer of learning by these new trainers. Conversely, independent examination of each individual factor within each group resulted in disparate findings. Investigation of each ability factor supported the premise that developing training that incorporated job-relevant content and course materials, as well as being given opportunities to apply learning would lead to transference to the job. Investigation of each motivational factor supported the premise that workers who self-managed their learning and are actively engaged were more likely to transfer learning to the job. Investigation of each work environmental factor supported the premise that transfer of learning occurred when an organization's culture and climate encouraged managers and supervisors to support learning, retention, and application.
Keywords/Search Tags:Transfer, New trainers, Work environmental, Factor supported the premise, Motivational, Relationship
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