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The impact of Proposition 227 on the identification and placement of English language learners in special education in rural California districts

Posted on:2011-05-28Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Adler, Stacey LFull Text:PDF
This dissertation examined the impact that Proposition 227 had upon the identification and placement of English language learners in Special Education programs in small, necessary Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs) in the state of California. Furthermore, this dissertation studied the practices and strategies used by small, necessary SELPA districts to identify and place English language learners in Special Education had changed over the last ten years since the passage of the law and whether or not attitudes of administrators had also changed. This study used quantitative data analysis to identify trends in both state enrollment data, as well as enrollment data from small, necessary SELPAs over the ten-year period, beginning with the 1997--1998 school year and ending with the 2007--2008 school year. In addition to the examination of statistical data, survey and interview data were also collected from both small, necessary SELPA district administrators and SELPA Directors to ascertain changes in both procedures for special education identification and placement, as well as changes in attitudes towards the law. The findings of this study revealed that based upon the 2007--2008 data, districts in small, necessary SELPAs in California are not demonstrating an overrepresentation of English language learners in their Special Education programs; however, there have been significant changes in the percentage of English language learners who have been identified and placed in Special Education programs. Despite these significant changes, this study also revealed that there have not been great changes made in the methods and strategies of identification and placement of English language learners in Special Education programs. Additionally, it was determined that there has been no shift in the perceptions of district administrators with regard to the policy changes brought about by Proposition 227. Finally, this study also demonstrated that many challenges still exist for district administrators and SELPA Directors with respect to identification and placement of English language learners in Special Education.
Keywords/Search Tags:English language learners, Special education, Identification and placement, District administrators and SELPA directors, Proposition, Small necessary SELPA, California, Small necessary selpas
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