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The contributions of Ashbel Smith to education in Texas

Posted on:2009-02-19Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Texas A&M University - CommerceCandidate:Fain, Thomas A., JrFull Text:PDF
GTID:1445390002498303Subject:Education History
In an attempt to describe the contributions of Ashbel Smith to the field of education in Texas, this study reviewed the history of education in Texas from some of its first known organized educational activity until the 20th century, explored the history of selected Texas educational institutions, and investigated the entire life of Doctor Smith. The roles in Texas education of Stephen F. Austin and Mirabeau B. Lamar were also analyzed. The purpose of examining such a broad array of information was to place Doctor Smith's contributions to Texas education in context. This qualitative study was executed using a biographical/historical analysis. Documents, books, letters, articles, artifacts, visits, and interviews provided the bulk of the data used for the study. Findings and conclusions indicated that Smith does indeed hold a significant place within the context of the history of Texas education. While some believe no other individual could match what Doctor Smith did for education in 19 th century Texas, his work tended to not be adequately documented in the secondary literature (Campbell, 2003; Haley, 2006), which increased the significance of this study. Among Doctor Smith's most important contributions to Texas education was his role in the establishment of the University of Texas in Austin and of the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. His leadership and what he accomplished while serving as the University of Texas' first president of the board of regents was found to be significant (Silverthorne, 1982). A key finding was that Doctor Smith was directly involved in the improvement of the early University of Texas library. Other information discovered in the research, but was little-known, included the facts that he was heavily involved in the establishment and leadership of the Prairie View A&M School, Stuart Female Seminary, Presbyterian School for Girls, and the Houston Academy. Additionally, Doctor Smith secured many improvements for Texas' public schools.
Keywords/Search Tags:Texas, Smith, Education, Contributions
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