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'Letargo e Instante' for piano soloist and large ensemble

Posted on:2010-04-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Harvard UniversityCandidate:Hurtado Ruelas, Jose LuisFull Text:PDF
I was musically trained under the most strict Mexican post-tonal tradition where pitch was the main element of structure and development. Coming to Harvard was an important factor in the introduction of new elements in my music, mainly timbre and texture.;During the last three years I have been looking for a way to balance those three elements, where none of them is more important than the other but rather all are interdependent.;In this piece, I integrate all the solutions I have found related to the issues of large scale tone structure, physical space and phrasing. The main goal is to create a coherent, solid and multidimensional object, with many layers and things happening at the same time, where all the elements grow naturally from the background to the foreground and are reflected in every gesture and moment of the piece. In addition, this major work for piano aspires to be a nostalgic tribute to my old times as a pianist.
Keywords/Search Tags:Piano
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