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Pioneering the profession: Crises in English studies and the nontenured PhD

Posted on:2011-09-30Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:City University of New YorkCandidate:Khost, Peter HFull Text:PDF
This dissertation addresses contemporary nontenured PhDs in English, who face a number of disciplinary crises: (1) tenure is steadily declining, (2) it's increasingly difficult to publish, (3) the general relevancy of the field has become dubious, and (4) the number of English majors is shrinking. This confluence of crises makes competition for fewer jobs fiercer and begs the question of what the backlog of nontenured English PhDs will produce as scholarship, and how and why they will do this. The growing number of individuals in this position is just as qualified as their tenured colleagues are to do legitimate scholarship, but if tenure is not likely or not possible for them, then their motivation and means to do scholarship may likely be quite different. So, then, might their methods be different.
Keywords/Search Tags:English, Crises, Nontenured
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