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Kronikus vesebetegek eletmino&huml;segenek vizsgalata: A Kidney Disease Quality of Life kerdo&huml;iv magyar valtozatanak pszichometriai validalasa

Posted on:2007-02-12Degree:DrType:Dissertation
University:Semmelweis Egyetem (Hungary)Candidate:Barotfi, SzabolcsFull Text:PDF
GTID:1444390005968115Subject:Health Sciences
In the evaluation of patient care and therapies in chronic conditions, the assessment of psycho-social parameters and quality of life have become increasingly important recently in addition to classical clinical and laboratory outcome parameters. In end stage renal disease, the disease itself and the applied renal replacement therapy has significant effect on the patients' every day life, hence on their quality of life as well. Numerous large, multinational studies have been performed to assess quality of life (QoL) of patients with renal disease and factors associated with QoL, however there is little data available in Hungary with regard to this matter. One of the reasons behind this is the lack of appropriately translated and validated QoL instruments in Hungarian language. Kidney Disease Quality of Life (KDQOL-SF(TM)) questionnaire is a widely used QoL tool in nephrology, which has been translated and validated in several languages. In our first study we performed the complete validation process of the Hungarian version of the KDQOL questionnaire. Basic psychometric properties were determined of the Hungarian version on large group of dialysis and kidney transplantation patients. Our results confirmed that the Hungarian KDQOL questionnaire is reliable and valid tool and appropriate to assess QoL of renal patients in Hungary. In further studies we examined the association between certain components of QoL and some selected sociodemographic and clinical parameters in dialysis patients. Our studies showed that comorbid conditions, the presence of sleep disorders and time from renal disease diagnosis are significant predictors of QoL in dialysis patients. We also confirmed the previous findings that older and female patients are reporting worse QoL than younger and male patients, and higher education and being on a transplantation waiting list is associated with better QoL. Our results confirmed those previous findings, that serum albumin and creatinine levels correlates strongly with patients' QoL. In addition we found that illness intrusiveness experienced by patients on dialysis is significantly correlated with their comorbid conditions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Life, Quality, Qol, Disease, Conditions, Kidney, Dialysis
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