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Cognitive behavioral group therapy for adolescents with type I diabetes

Posted on:2009-04-22Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:Regent UniversityCandidate:Wildermuth, Sarah AFull Text:PDF
In an attempt to decrease the potential negative consequences for children with diabetes, a manual-based cognitive-behavioral group therapy treatment protocol was created called Living Well With Diabetes. This pilot study investigated the effectiveness of the curriculum in terms of reported quality of life, emotional and social states, and physical well being. Effectiveness was assessed using the Diabetes Quality of Life - Youth Scale, the Beck Youth Inventories Second Edition and an HbA1C lab test. Results were analyzed using visual analysis, which suggests that any positive change between the pre and posttests cannot conclusively be determined. Several factors confounded the results. Those factors are discussed and suggestions for future changes to enhance the curriculum for the target population are considered.
Keywords/Search Tags:Diabetes
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