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An evaluation study: Assessing the effectiveness of a psychiatric rehabilitation program in Maryland

Posted on:2007-01-25Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Wilmington College (Delaware)Candidate:Brown, TinaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1444390005960241Subject:Health Sciences
Health improvement is what public health professionals endeavor to accomplish. To achieve this objective, we must dedicate our skill to evaluating the effects of public health actions. This evaluation study examined the effectiveness of the Wicomico County Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program, as measured by the standards stated in the Code of Maryland Regulations. The study compared two groups of closed and open cases, to describe the typical profile of the clients served. The evaluation involved a review of 50 records/cases.; The data revealed that the Wicomico County Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (WC PRP) is in compliance with the standards of the Code of Maryland Regulations: program model, eligibility, screening and enrollment, rehabilitation and support services and discharge services. The WC PRP is not in full compliance with evaluation and planning services.; The findings of the study indicate that the typical profile of the clients is low-income, African-American males who are in the middle and/or high school grade level. The clients are primarily referred by social sources: school, family or the individual themselves. It is important to note that there was no significant difference between the closed and open cases due to gender and ethnicity. The most dramatic results were observed in the categories of grade and referral source. These two categories did have a significant difference between the two groups.
Keywords/Search Tags:Psychiatric rehabilitation program, Evaluation
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