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Elite occupational therapists' attitudes regarding the entry-level clinical occupational therapy doctorate degree

Posted on:2007-05-19Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Widener UniversityCandidate:DeAngelis, Tina MarieFull Text:PDF
GTID:1444390005475869Subject:Health Sciences
The purpose of this research study was to explore elite occupational therapists' attitudes toward the entry-level clinical occupational therapy doctorate degree. Qualitative interviews were conducted with eight elite occupational therapists. The research participants in this study had an average clinical experience of over 16 years, in addition to having academic experience averaging over 15.5 years. Each participant had a rich history of clinical, academic, political, ethical and/or legal commitment to the field, thus exemplifying the components that comprise an "elite" occupational therapist. (Marshall & Rossman, 1999).; At the time of this research, little data were available regarding the impact of the entry-level occupational therapy doctorate (OTD) on the profession of occupational therapy. As of March 2006, there were five active entry-level clinical OTD programs. However, in May of 2005 the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) introduced a moratorium on all developing entry-level clinical occupational therapy doctorate programs, until effective standards can be identified.; Exploring elite occupational therapists' views regarding the entry-level clinical OTD was the immediate goal of this study. A secondary goal was to create a springboard for further research, possibly in the areas of curriculum development, expected competencies associated with the OTD, marketability and entrepreneurship related to the entry-level occupational therapy clinical doctorate degree. Data were collected through a semistructured in-depth phone interview format. Analyses were performed on the data resulting in a concept model/map that assisted in the organization and identification of emergent themes related to the entry-level clinical OTD.; This study is immediately applicable to the profession of occupational therapy, since the field is presently constructing standards as well as contemplating the implications and significance of the entry-level clinical occupational therapy doctorate degree.; Results of this study revealed emergent themes, suggesting: support for the entry-level OTD, concerns regarding the degree, the potential development of a multi-faceted graduate as a result of the entry-level OTD, the need for standards exclusive to the entry level clinical OTD degree and suggestions as to how the occupational therapy profession can influence future educational program development.; Data collected from this study provide valuable information related to the personal and professional convictions, as well as concerns of elite occupational therapists regarding the entry-level clinical OTD degree. These findings have the potential to contribute to the formation of standard and competency identification exclusive to the entry-level clinical OTD. They also may assist with curriculum development in existing and developing programs and to serve as a springboard for further exploration in the areas of entry-level and postprofessional doctoral level occupational therapy education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Occupational therapy, Entry-level
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