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Adult attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: The experience of being diagnosed during college

Posted on:2009-09-16Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:Massachusetts School of Professional PsychologyCandidate:Theberge, Amy AnitaFull Text:PDF
In recent years, the diagnosis of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adults has rapidly increased. The impact of this disorder on adult psychosocial functioning has been less studied than child functioning, which is often associated with difficulty in academic, emotional and interpersonal domains. The literature suggests that children who are diagnosed and treated for ADHD can show marked improvement in functioning across a variety of psychosocial domains. This study investigated the relationship between functioning in psychological/emotional, educational and interpersonal domains, and diagnosis and treatment of the disorder during the years of undergraduate college education. Additionally, the subjective experience of adults diagnosed with ADHD during this time in their lives was explored. Data was from 19 individuals gathered using an anonymous internet questionnaire.;The most common reactions reported by participants included: Relief from finally understanding why they had struggled for so long; motivation to address their symptoms coupled with hope about improving their lives; and grief over being diagnosed so late when earlier treatment would have prevented the many struggles endured in the past. Most participants' reported that diagnosis and treatment had a positive impact on their academic functioning, psychological functioning, and relationships with family members. Areas in which the results yielded a more even split between reports of positive or negative impact included: Relationships with friends and/or significant others; and plans or goals for the future. Participants also provided information about their experience of psychotherapy and suggestions for clinicians working with this population.
Keywords/Search Tags:Disorder, Experience, Diagnosed, ADHD
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