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Physician interaction with electronic medical records: A qualitative study

Posted on:2011-06-18Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Nebraska at OmahaCandidate:Noteboom, Cherie BakkerFull Text:PDF
GTID:1444390002956893Subject:Information Technology
The integration of EHR (Electronic Health Records) in IT infrastructures supporting organizations enable improved access to and recording of patient data, enhanced ability to make better and more-timely decisions, and improved quality and reduced errors. Despite these benefits, there are mixed results as to the use of EHR. The literature suggests that the reasons for the limited use relate to policy, financial and usability considerations, but it does not provide an understanding of reasons for physicians' limited interaction and adaptation of EHR. The aim of this exploratory, interpretive, qualitative study was to bring out key categories describing physician adaptation to EHR IT. This research makes contributions to what is known about physicians' adaptation of EHR by discovering physicians' perspectives on interaction with EHR. This research investigated the physicians' perspective on EHR using an open coding approach to arrive at key concepts relating to EHR in the healthcare domain.Following an analysis of qualitative data, collected in a case study at a hospital using interviews, this research explains how physicians interact with EHR. The key contribution of this research is explaining how physicians interact with EHR in terms of concepts that are grounded in the real world experiences of physicians. Open coding was used to analyze the data and to develop concepts explaining these interactions in terms of the events, actions and communications carried out among the physician stakeholders. Eisenhardt's case study approach and open coding analysis grounded the results in the real world situation. As a methodological contribution, the case study of a hospital with Eisenhardt's case study approach, propositions and open coding for data analysis is an innovative combination of research methods because it enables concepts and relationships to be arrived at and then assessed using the enfolding literature step from Eisenhardt and theoretical sensitivity from open coding. This combination of approaches strengthened the contributions of this study by enabling the results to be generalized to models and relationships. The research provided theoretical contributions by presenting the Physicians' Work Adaptation Cycles in Use of EHR Model and the Processes and Infrastructure model dealing with digital immigrants and digital natives. The research contribution connecting adaptation to the knowledge identities is the largest contribution to new knowledge. In addition, implications of this study for future research and practice are discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:EHR, Open coding, Qualitative, Case study, Physician, Interaction, Contribution
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