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An electronic patient record (ePR) system for image-assisted minimally invasive spinal surgery

Posted on:2010-06-30Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Documet, JorgeFull Text:PDF
Recent developments in medical imaging informatics have improved clinical workflow in Radiology enterprise. However, there still remains gaps in the clinical continuum from diagnosis to surgical treatment through post-operative follow-up that can be addressed by a variety of advanced technologies. One solution is the development of an electronic patient record (ePR) that integrates key imaging and informatics data during the pre, intra, and post-operative phases of clinical workflow. One application is in image-guided minimally invasive spinal surgery (IA-MISS) where spinal discectomy procedures are performed for decompressing nerve roots affected by spinal disc protrusions. This procedure utilizes a variety of still and real-time acquisition systems including X-Ray, CT, MRI, digital fluoroscopy and digital endoscopic video. The integration of these data together with waveform and other related informatics data is necessary during the entire surgical procedure for evaluation, treatment planning, and review.;This dissertation presents an ePR System design and implementation tailored to IA-MISS but it can also be expanded to other surgical procedures. The ePR System is currently being utilized for more than 6 months at the California Spine Institute (CSI) at Thousand Oaks, California.
Keywords/Search Tags:System, Epr, Spinal
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