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A mathematical model of blood coagulation and platelet deposition under flow

Posted on:2011-09-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of UtahCandidate:Gregg, Karin LeidermanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1444390002456267Subject:Applied Mathematics
The body responds to vascular injury with two intertwined processes: platelet aggregation and coagulation. Platelet aggregation is a predominantly physical process, whereby platelets clump together, and coagulation is a cascade of biochemical enzyme reactions. Thrombin, the major product of coagulation, directly couples the biochemical system to platelet aggregation by activating platelets and by cleaving fibrinogen into fibrin monomers that polymerize to form a mesh that stabilizes platelet aggregates. Transport of coagulation proteins and platelets to and from an injury is controlled largely by the dynamics of the blood flow. To explore how blood flow affects the growth of thrombi and how the growing masses, in turn, feed back and affect the flow, we have developed the first spatial-temporal mathematical model of platelet aggregation and blood coagulation under flow that includes detailed descriptions of coagulation biochemistry, chemical activation and deposition of blood platelets, as well as the two-way interaction between the fluid dynamics and the growing platelet mass. We present this model and use it to explain what underlies the threshold behavior of the coagulation systems production of thrombin and to show how wall shear rate and near-wall enhanced platelet concentrations affect the development of growing thrombi. By accounting for the porous nature of the thrombus, we also demonstrate how advective and diffusive transport to and within the thrombus affects its growth at different stages and spatial locations.;We also present a modification of this model in which flow is removed. This is so we may replicate results from cell-based experiments. This set-up allows for the systematic examination of the effect of individual procoagulant proteins on thrombin production. We highlight the qualitative agreement of our results with those from the experiments.
Keywords/Search Tags:Coagulation, Platelet, Blood, Flow, Model
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