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A study investigating the relationship between patent foramen ovale and depression

Posted on:2011-05-02Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Heintzelman, Thomas EFull Text:PDF
This study focused primarily on the biological factors thought to be involved in the development of depression, specifically, the role that a congenital heart defect known as a patent foramen ovale (PFO) may have. This study investigated the possible association of PFO to depression in a sample group of 208 patients who have a PFO. Utilizing a statistical data analysis, χ2 (chi-square) goodness of fit test, the rate of depression in this sample group was found to be 39%, compared to other studies that show an 8% rate of depression in the general population. Numerous studies that examined the rate of depression co-occurring with other medical conditions found that the rate of depression ranged from 12% to 35%. The PFO study group in this research yielded a 39% incidence rate of depression. Given the robust association found in the study group between PFO and depression, additional longitudinal research is warranted to better define the directionality of the relationship between PFO and depression, and investigate the possible mechanisms underlying the association between depression and PFO.
Keywords/Search Tags:Depression, Patent foramen ovale
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