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Shoulder movement and pain after stroke

Posted on:2011-11-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Washington University in St. LouisCandidate:Hardwick, Dustin DeanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1444390002451799Subject:Health Sciences
Study design. Single-group repeated-measures design.;Objectives. To investigate the ability of the wallslide exercise to activate the serratus anterior muscle (SA) at and above 90° of humeral elevation.;Background. Strengthening of the SA is a critical component of rehabilitation for patients with shoulder impingement syndromes. Traditional SA exercises have included scapular protraction exercises such as the push-up plus. These exercises promote activation of the SA near 90° of humeral elevation, but not in positions above 90° where patients typically experience pain.;Methods and measures. Twenty healthy subjects were studied performing 3 exercises: (1) wallslide, (2) plus phase of a wall push-up plus, and (3) scapular plane shoulder elevation. Three-dimensional position of the thorax, scapula, and humerus and muscle activity from the SA, upper and lower trapezius, and latissimus dorsi were recorded. The magnitudes of activation for each muscle at 90°, 120°, and 140° of humeral elevation were quantified from EMG records. Repeated measures ANOVAs were used to determine the degree to which the different exercises activated the SA at the 3 humeral positions.;Results. The intensity of SA activity was not significantly different between the 3 exercises at 90° elevation (p = 0.40). For the wallslide and scapular plane shoulder elevation exercises, SA activity increased with increasing humeral elevation angle (p = 0.00005) with no significant differences between the 2 exercises (p = 0.36).;Conclusion. The wallslide is an effective exercise to activate the SA muscle at and above 90° of shoulder elevation. During this exercise, SA activation is not significantly different from SA activation during the push-up plus and the scapular plane shoulder elevation, 2 exercises previously validated in the literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shoulder, Exercises, Push-up plus, Activation, Muscle, Wallslide
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