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A comparison of survey methods for detecting changes in populations of the northern redback salamander (Plethodon cinereus) (Green)

Posted on:2009-10-14Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:State University of New York College of Environmental Science and ForestryCandidate:Ordiway, Linda DFull Text:PDF
Three factors potentially affecting Plethodon cinereus (Green) (redback salamander) detection were explored, (year, forest type, and season designation) in association with three survey methods: artificial coverboard complexes, pitfall surveys, and quadrat searches. There was a significant difference between forest type and the use of both artificial coverboard complexes and pitfall surveys. Season was only significant for the use of quadrat searches. The artificial coverboards showed the least amount of seasonal influence based on sample variability. This method also sampled the highest average number of P. cinereus per sample unit compared to the other two methods. The analysis suggests other factors should be explored relating to the natural history of this species which may influence both the capture rate and the interpretation of the results of the other two survey methods. I recommend the use of artificial coverboard complexes as a cost effective method for both long- and short-term monitoring of P. cinereus populations in determining the assessment of population stability and detecting population changes by incorporating protocols similar to those used here.;KEY WORDS artificial coverboard, pitfall surveys, Plethodon cinereus , quadrat searches, redback salamander.
Keywords/Search Tags:Plethodon cinereus, Redback salamander, Survey methods, Artificial coverboard, Quadrat searches
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